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- 李彩娜,赵清玲,The role of clique status hierarchy and aggression norms in victimized adolescents’ aggressive behavior:Journal of Youth and Adolescence,2022.9.10(12):2328-2339
- 李彩娜,赵清玲,Victimized adolescents’ aggression in cliques with different victimization norms: The Healthy Context Paradox or the Peer Contagion Hypothesis?:Journal of School Psychology,2022.6.1(00):66-79
- 李彩娜,任萍,谭旭岚,赵清玲,Parental warmth may not always be beneficial: High parental warmth impairs victimized adolescents' academic achievement via elevated school burnout.:Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,2022.6.1(6):1863-1884
- 李彩娜,黄垣成,赵清玲,Does adolescents’ Internet addiction trigger depressive symptoms and aggressive behavior, or vice versa? The moderating roles of peer relationships and gender:Computers in Human Behavior,2022.4.1(00):1-11
- 李彩娜,张云运,赵清玲,代文杰,Victims Become Covert Aggressors: Gender Differences in the Mediating Effects of Rumination on Anger and Sadness:THE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY,2021.5.6(4):441–456
- 李彩娜,李彩娜,黄垣成,赵清玲,青少年早期抑郁和自伤的联合发展轨迹: 人际因素的作用:心理学报,2021.3.29(5):515-526
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- 李彩娜,杨颖,王媛,刘梦,孙翠翠,Shyness and Subjective Well-being in Chinese Adolescents: Self-efficacy Beliefs as Mediators:Journal of Child and Family Studies,2020.10.6(12):3470
- 李彩娜,郭迪,道德自我知觉与主观社会经济地位对个体道德行为的影响:陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2020.9.15(5):166-176