Paper Publications
- 1.Zhongli Pi,Xiying Li,张心如,张星宇,高铭,Students’ prior knowledge moderates the effects of group motivation compositions on learning performance and interaction in learning from video lectures.:British Journal of Educational Technology,2023.4.3(6):1814-1836
- 2.Zhongli Pi,杨九民,苟江凤,李巧茹,刘彩霞,学习策略对中学生动作技能类视频学习的影响及作用机制:电化教育研究,2023.4.1(04):86–93
- 3.Zhongli Pi,杨九民,章义,刘彩霞,周文臣,Generative learning supports learning from video lectures: Evidence from an EEG study:Instructional Science,2023.4.1(2):231-249
- 4.Zhongli Pi,Xiying Li,刘薇,凌宏娟,张星宇,Does an instructor’s facial expressions override their body gestures in video lectures?:Computers & Education,2023.2.15(193):1-16
- 5.Zhongli Pi,杨九民,刘彩霞,章仪,喻邱晨,The teacher’s eye gaze in university classrooms: Evidence from a field study:Innovations in Education and Teaching International,2023.1.2(1):4-14
- 6.Zhongli Pi,Zhou Yun,邓丽霞,Xu Wang,Peirong Guo,Tao Xu,The influences of a virtual instructor's voice and appearance on learning from video lectures:Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,2022.12.15(6):1703-1713
- 7.Zhongli Pi,朱芳芳,杨九民,The interaction effects of an instructor’s emotions in instructional videos and students’ emotional intelligence on L2 vocabulary learning:Educational Technology Research & Development,2022.12.10(70):1695–1718
- 8.Zhongli Pi,刘彩霞,孟倩,杨九民,Co-learner presence and praise alters the effects of learner-generated explanation on learning from video lectures:Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,2022.12.8(58):1-16
- 9.Zhongli Pi,Xiying Li,杨浩,陈文莉,胡祥恩,Editorial: The role of teachers' emotions in students' outcomes: From the perspective of interpersonal emotions:Frontiers Psychology,2022.12.2(10):1-6
- 10.Zhongli Pi,杨九民,章义,石栋元,郭鑫,Is self-explanation better than explaining to a fictitious student when learning from video lectures?:British Journal of Educational Technology,2022.11.1(6):2012–2028