Paper Publications
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- zhangmiao,胡泽州,李楠,苗苗,Bayesian Network Analysis: Assessing and Restoring Ecological Vulnerability in the Shaanxi Section of the Qinling-Daba Mountains Under Global Warming Influences:sustainability,2024.11.17(22):10021
- Miao Zhang,zhangmiao,Shengjie Wang,Ziyong Sun,Xin Li,Xiuliang Yuan,Guoqing Yang,Zezhou Hu,zhangsidou,Effect of oasis and irrigation on mountain precipitation in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains based on stable isotopes:Journal of Hydrology,2024.5.1(2024):131151
- zhangmiao,杨国庆,罗格平,刘铁,Fluctuations of discharge and hydropower potential in the upper Amu Darya under the background of climate change:Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,2024.2.1(2):10165
- zhangmiao,李新,周彦召,孙自永,杨国庆,谢正辉,Quantifying the contributions of regional human activities and global climate change to the regional climate in a typical mountain-oasis-desert system of arid Central Asia from 1979~2018:Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2023.1.16(1):e2022JD37110
- zhangmiao,王军邦,杨国庆,lijiyuan,zhangtian,秦巴山区生态系统服务权衡—协同关系:山地学报,2022.3.31(1):1-13
- zhangmiao,杨国庆,lijiyuan,Quantifying the Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities to Water Volume in Lake Qinghai, China:remote sensing,2021.12.26(14):99
- zhangmiao,Han xujun,Lai peiyu,Ge zhongxi,Hao bignfei,Song Zengjing,huang Jing,Ma Mingguo,Yang Hong,Responses of Seasonal Indicators to Extreme Droughts in Southwest China:Remote Sensing,2020.3.3(5):文献号: 818
- zhangmiao,Luo, Geping,Cai, Peng,Hamdi, Rafiq,Effects on Local Temperature and Energy of Oasis City Expansion in Arid Area of Northwest China:Journal of Sensors,2020.2.1(2020):文献号: 3282475
- zhangmiao,Geping Luo,Rafiq Hamdi,李涛,Peng Cai,Hui Ye,Huili He,曹小曙,Numerical Simulation of the Irrigation Effects on Surface Fluxes and Local Climate in Typical Mountain-Oasis-Desert Systems in the Central Asia Arid Area:Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2019.12.16(23):12485-12506
- zhangmiao,Hong Yang,MIngguo Ma,Shahidul Islam,Assessing inconsistency in global land cover products and synthesis of studies on land use and land cover dynamics during 2001 to 2017 in the southeastern region of Bangladesh:Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2019.10.24(4):文献号: 048501