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Basic information
E-Mail: Department:食品工程与营养科学学院 Position:副院长 Education Level:博士研究生 Business Address:格物楼食品学院 Gender:Male Contact Alma Mater:西北农林科技大学 Discipline:food science
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Awards and Honours


Release time:2021-11-20
Title of Achievement: 优质高档牛肉生产关键技术研究与示范
Affiliation of Participants: 食品工程与营养科学学院
Order of Affiliations of Authors: 2
Granted by: 杨凌农业高新技术管委会
Grade of Award: 一等奖
Type of Award: 科学技术奖
Date of Award: 2015-05-27
Number of Participants: 11
Primary Participant: liuyongfeng
Co-author: 昝林森,田万强,李林强,赵春平,辛亚平,杨武才,张莺莺,程国庆,王洪程,杜书增