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[1] Wei Liang, Dan Bai*, Feiyu Wang, Bojie Fu, Junping Yan, Shuai Wang, Yuting Yang, Di Long, Minquan Feng. Quantifying the impacts of climate change and ecological restoration on streamflow changes based on a Budyko hydrological model in China's Loess Plateau. Water Resources Research.2015, 51(8):6500-6519.(高被引)

[2] Wei Liang, Yihe Lü*, Weibin Zhang, Shuai Li, Zhao Jin, Philippe Ciais, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, Jianwu Yan, Junyi Li, Huimin Su. Grassland gross carbon dioxide uptake based on an improved model tree ensemble approach considering human interventions: global estimation and covariation with climate. Global Change Biology. 2017, 23(7), 2720-2742.

[3] Wei Liang, Yuting Yang, Dongmei Fan, Huade Guan, Tian Zhang, Di Long,Yi Zhou, Dan Bai*. Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production and their climate controls in China from 1982 to 2010. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2015,204:22-36.

[4] FengjiaoWang, Wei Liang*, Bojie Fu, Zhao Jin, Jianwu Yan, Weibin Zhang, Shuyi Fu, NanaYan. Changes of cropland evapotranspiration and its driving factors on the loess plateau of China. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 728:138582.

[5] Wei Liang, Dan Bai*, Zhao Jin, Yuchi You, Jiaxing Li, Yuting Yang. A study on the streamflow change and its relationship with climate change and ecological restoration measures in a sediment concentrated region in the Loess Plateau. Water Resources Management. 2015, 29(11):4045-4060.

[6] Wei Liang, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Weibin Zhang, Zhao Jin, Xiaoming Feng, Jianwu Yan, Yu Liu, Sha Zhou. Quantification of the ecosystem carrying capacity on China's Loess Plateau. Ecological Indicators. 2019, 101: 192-202.

[7] Shuai Li, Wei Liang*, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, Shuyi Fu, Shuai Wang, Huimin Su. Vegetation changes in recent large-scale ecological restoration projects and subsequent impact on water resources in China's Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 569-570: 1032-1039.

[8] Qiulei Ji, Wei Liang*, Bojie Fu, Weibin Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Yihe Lü,  Chao Yue, Zhao Jin,Zhiyang Lan, Siya Li, Pan Yang. Mapping Land Use/Cover Dynamics of the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2018 Supported by Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13(7), 1299.

[9] Fengjiao Wang, Bojie Fu, Wei Liang*, Zhao Jin, Liwei Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Shuyi Fu. Assessment of drought and its impact on winter wheat yield in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Land. 2022, 14(7): 771-786.

[10] Wei Liang*, Weibin Zhang, Zhao Jin, Jianwu Yan, Yihe Lü, Shuai Li, Qiang Yu. Rapid urbanization and agricultural intensification increase regional evaporative water consumption of the Loess Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020,125(23), e2020JD033380.

[11] Wei Liang*, Weibin Zhang, Zhao Jin, Jianwu Yan, Yihe Lü, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu, Shuai Li, Qiulei Ji, Fen Gou, Shuyi Fu, Shantao An, Fengjiao Wang. Estimation of global grassland net ecosystem carbon exchange using a model tree ensemble approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020,125,e2019JG005034.

[12] Sha Li, Wei Liang*, Weibin Zhang, Qinghua Liu. Response of soil moisture to hydro-meteorological variables under different precipitation gradients in the Yellow River Basin. Water Resources Management. 2016, 30(6): 1867-1884.

[13] Zhao Jin, Wei Liang, Yuting Yang, Weibin Zhang, Jianwu Yan*, Xuejuan Chen, Sha Li, Xingguo Mo. Separating Vegetation Greening and Climate Change Controls on Evapotranspiration trend over the Loess Plateau. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7, 8191.

[14] Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*, Wei Liang, Yu Liu, Yafeng Wang. Driving forces of changes in the water and sediment relationship in the Yellow River. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 576: 453-461.

[15] Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu, Wei LiangDeveloping policy for the Yellow River sediment sustainable control. National Science Review. 2016, 3(2):162-164.

[16] Feiyu Wang, Keqin Duan, Shuyi Fu, Fen Gou, Wei Liang, Jianwu Yan, Weibin Zhang*. Partitioning climate and human contributions to changes in mean annual streamflow based on the Budyko complementary relationship in the Loess Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 665579-590.

[17] Feiyu Wang, Jun Xia, Lei Zou*, Chesheng Zhan, Wei Liang. Estimation of time-varying parameter in Budyko framework using long short-term memory network over the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology. 2022, 607, 127571,

[18] Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Yu Liu, Jianbo Liu, Wei Liang, Chiyuan Miao. Hydrogeomorphic Ecosystem Responses to Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in the Loess Plateau of China. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 2017, 45(1): 223-243.

[19] Weibin Zhang, Xiaochun Zha*, Jiaxing Li, Wei Liang, Yugai Ma, Dongmei Fan, Sha Li. Spatiotemporal Change of Blue Water and Green Water Resources in the Headwater of Yellow River Basin, China. Water Resources Management. 2014, 28(13): 4715-4732.


[21] 纪秋磊,梁伟*,傅伯杰,吕一河,严建武,张为彬,金朝,兰志洋.基于Google Earth Engine平台与复杂网络的黄河流域土地利用/覆被变化分析.生态学报.2022,42(06):2122-2135.

[22] 王凤娇,梁伟*,傅伯杰,金朝,闫娜娜.近年来的黄土高原耕地时空变化与口粮安全耕地数量分析.干旱区地理. 2020,43(01):161-171.

[23] 杨盼,梁伟*,严建武,李思雅,兰志洋.黄河流域多尺度水系统结构变化特征.中国沙漠. 2021,41(06):223-234.

[24] 安善涛,焦磊*,梁伟,严建武,张为彬,金朝,纪秋磊,王凤娇,杨盼.基于多源数据的黄土高原陆地水循环结构变化分析.生态学报. 2021,41(17):6800-6813.

[25] 任长江,白丹*,周文,田济扬,程鹏,梁伟.土壤初始含盐量对水分入渗特性的影响.干旱区研究. 2014,31(02):222-225.

[26] 孙舒轻,严建武*,梁伟,张为彬,王凤娇,符淑宜,苟芬.生态恢复背景下非辐射效应主导的黄土高原生长季地表温度变化.生态学杂志. 2021,40(06):1820-1829.

[27] 姜姗姗,占车生*,李淼,王飞宇, 梁伟.基于CMIP5全球气候模式的中国典型区域干湿变化分析.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2016,52(01):49-55.