Paper Publications
- 1.王菲,shixingmin,樊怡,Factors influencing the relationship between perceptions of ecosystem services and well-being of farmers in the ore-agriculture zone, China:Ecological Indicators,2024.7.1,166:112350
- 2.shixingmin,陈楠,李雪萍,李欢娟,陈谢扬,宋臻,高莹,农户对气候变化与农作物 关键物候期气象灾害的感知研究:河北师范大学学报自然科学版,2024.5.1,48(3):225-233
- 3.杨云佳,shixingmin,基于微博大数据的“一路象北”事件社会感知 与时空格局研究:地理与地理信息科学,2023.9.5,39:10-16
- 4.蒋碧瑶,shixingmin,秦语晗,Mechanisms and Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Soil and Water Conservation on the Livelihood and Well-Being of Farmer Households: A Case Study in Desert–Loess Transition Zone of China:Sustainability,2023.4.18,15:6569
- 5.蒋碧瑶,shixingmin,秦语晗,水土保持增加了沙漠- 黄土过渡带农户福祉吗?*:干旱区资源与环境,2023.4.5,37(4):37-44
- 6.李雪萍,shixingmin,Smallholders’ resilience‑building adaptation and its infuencing factors in rainfed agricultural areas in China: based on random forest model:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023.3.8,30:50593–50609
- 7.冯晓,shixingmin,樊怡,陈谢扬,地理标志农产品种植户的生计脆弱性及影响因素研究——以陕西眉县、周至县为例:地理科学,2022.11.29,42(11):1986-1995
- 8.樊怡,shixingmin,李雪萍,冯晓,Livelihood resilience of vulnerable groups in the face of climate change: A systematic review and meta-analysis:Environmental Development,2022.11.14,44:100777
- 9.李雪萍,shixingmin,Smallholders’ Livelihood Resilience in the Dryland Area of the Yellow River Basin in China from the Perspective of the Family Life Cycle: Based on GeoDetector and LMG Metric Model:land,2022.8.30,11:1427
- 10.李雪萍,shixingmin,曹振选,How do farmer’s disaster experiences influence their climate change perception and adaptation:climate and development,2022.7.22,14(6):523-536