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- 5.皮忠玲,杨九民,刘彩霞,陈楼琪,教学视频中的描述性手势何以有效——手势学习策略及学习者空间能力的影响:现代远程教育研究,2023.8.23(4):92–101
- 6.皮忠玲,杨九民,章仪,朱芳芳,陈楼琪,郭鑫,The mutual influence of an instructor’s eye gaze and facial expression in video lectures.:Interactive Learning Environments,2023.8.18(6):3664-3681
- 7.皮忠玲,杨九民,章仪,喻邱晨,A familiar peer improves students’ behavior patterns, attention, and performance when learning from video lectures:International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,2023.8.14(1):47
- 8.皮忠玲,杨九民,朱芳芳,江怡睿,Do adults and children learn differently from video lectures with an instructor's deictic gestures:Education and Information Technologies,2023.7.1(1):8377–8400
- 9.皮忠玲,章义,戴晨演,杨九民,Pre-class teacher feedback in the flipped classroom: cognitive or praise feedback is better than mitigating feedback:Innovations in Education and Teaching International,2023.5.4(3):357–367
- 10.皮忠玲,杨九民,章义,徐凯,Does an outline of contents promote learning from videos? A study on learning performance and engagement:Education and Information Technologies,2023.5.1(3):3493-3511