Release time:2021-11-19
- Leading Scientist:
- Yongjun FENG
- Type of Research Outcome:
- 应用研究
- Sub-Class of Project:
- 10_sk_source
- Type of Project:
- 应用研究
- Supported by:
- 省教育厅社科项目
- Project level:
- 厅局级
- Project Participants:
- 赵雪,薛彦华,高俊霞,陈凤娟,姜朝晖,刘毳,李晓霞,朱立明
- Project Number:
- 纵20210264
- First-Level Discipline:
- Education
- Date of Project Approval:
- 2018-04-08
- Scheduled completion time:
- 2022-04-08
- Date of Project Initiation:
- 2018-04-08
- Project Approval Number:
- ZD201824
- Pre One:京津冀协同发展中河北省高校“双一流”建设进展评价研究