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- 2. 朱青,刘汕,以数智物流建设赋能“一带一路”高质量发展:陕西日报(理论),2024.6.6(6.6):6
- 3. 朱青,刘汕,ZHOU XIAO BO,High return and low risk: Shaping composite financial investment decision in the new energy stock market:Energy Economics,2023.6.8(2023 june):106683
- 4. 朱青,刘汕,推进平台生态建设 培育数字经济新动能:陕西日报,2023.4.13(4.13):7
- 5. 朱青,刘汕,陆凯,阮莹琳,王林,Sung-Byung Yang,Can low-carbon value bring high returns? Novel quantitative trading from portfolio-of-investment targets in a new-energy market:Economic Analysis and Policy,2022.10.7(2022):755-769
- 6. 朱青,刘敏,张凡,王林,基于深度学习与信号分解的金融交易决策支持模型:管理评论,2022.9.28(9):14-26
- 7. 朱青,Shan liu,Fan zhang,Yuze Li,An anticrime information support system design: Application of K-means-VMD-BiGRU in the city of Chicago:Information & Management,2022.7.1(5):103247
- 8. 朱青,刘汕,Shiqian Guan,Chao Fang,Effects of governance on crowdsourcer satisfaction in crowdsourcing: moderating roles of task and environment complexities:INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS,2022.4.12(4):1002-1024
- 9. 朱青,刘汕,张凡,王林,汪寿阳,Static or dynamic? Characterize and forecast the evolution of urban crime distribution:Expert Systems with Applications,2022.3.15(1):116115
- 10. 朱青,朱青,WU YIQIONG,LIU SHAN,ZHANG FAN,WANG LINBO,Using unlabeled data mining to detect customer perceptions of undefined commodity problems:International Journal of Services Technology and Management,2021.5.20(27):209-228