1.王佩佩,周正朝,刘倩,刘俊娥,曹立国,王宁,曹玉莹,Distinct variations of soil infiltrability of contrasting root types in a temperate mosaic-pattern grassland in northern China:CATENA,2024.6.10,243:108174
2.王佩佩,周正朝,于雯霏,刘芳,曹玉莹,刘俊娥,王宁,Divergent changes in particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon under natural revegetation along a soil texture gradient in temperate grasslands of China:Soil & Tillage Research,2024.6.4,243:106171
3.刘均阳,周正朝,Varied root effects on soil detachment with growth time and hydrodynamic characteristics:Earth Surface Process Landforms,2024.4.1,49:2601-2611