
- 赵志良,陈森,马鹏娟,A new nonlinear extended state observer design for output tracking of uncertain nonlinear systems:Advanced Control for Applications,2020.7.11,1:1-26
- 王怡怡,二自由度无人直升机的非线性自抗扰姿态控制:自动化学报,2020.3.6,2020:1-14
- 赵志良,王怡怡,史豪楠,姜钟平,A New Switching Nonlinear Extended State Observer:2019 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC),2019.9.1,2019(1):89-94
- 赵志良,Zhong-Ping Jiang,Semi-Global Finite-Time Output-Feedback Stabilization With an Application to Robotics:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2018.7.21,66(4):3148-3156
- 赵志良,Zhong-Ping Jiang,Finite-time output feedback stabilization of lower-triangular nonlinear systems:AUTOMATICA,2018.7.19,96(1):259-269
- 赵志良,姜钟平,A New Class of Finite-Time Output Feedback Stabilizers for Complex Nonlinear Systems:2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018.1.21,2018(1):304-309
- 赵志良,郭宝珠,姜钟平,A New Extended State Observer for Output Tracking of Nonlinear MIMO Systems:2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),2018.1.21,2017(1):6732-6737
- 赵志良,郭宝珠,A Novel Extended State Observer for Output Tracking of MIMO Systems with Mismatched Uncertainty:IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2017.10.6,1(1):1-8
- 赵志良,郭宝珠,A nonlinear extended state observer based on fractional power functions:Automatica,2017.2.9,81(1):286-296
- 赵志良,郭宝珠,Active disturbance rejection control approach to stabilization of lower triangular systems with uncertainty:International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2016.7.25,26(11):2314-2337