Paper Publications
- 1.wangsasa,杨雪燕,Lisa Eklund,The Association Between Sexual Harassment and Mental Health Among Chinese College Students: Do Gender and Social Support Matter?:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH,2022.9.1(67):1604922
- 2.wangsasa,Lisa Eklund,Discrimination and Quality of Life Among Marriage-Squeezed Men in Rural China: Unexpected Functions of Structural and Functional Social Support:Social Indicators Research,2022.2.15(3):1-21
- 3.wangsasa,Lisa Eklund,Reacting to social discrimination? Men's individual and social risk behaviors in the context of a male marriage squeeze in rural China:Social Science & Medicine,2020.2.15(246):1-10
- 4.wangsasa,井文,gaochenzhuo,中国0-3岁婴幼儿托育服务实践模式评估:人口学刊,2019.1.1(01):5-19
- 5.wangsasa,杨雪燕,Isabelle Attané,Social Support Networks and Quality of Life of Rural Men in a Context of Marriage Squeeze in China:American Journal of Men's Health,2018.1.18(4):706-719
- 6.wangsasa,罗丞,价格上涨压力下农村留守妇女的生计策略:生计多样化:中国农村观察,2014.9.20(5):38-48+92+94
- 7.wangsasa,罗丞,可持续生计分析视角下中国农村留守妇女研究:妇女研究论丛,2014.3.15(2):110-118