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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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E-Mail: Department:地理科学与旅游学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Female Contact Degree:理学博士学位 Status:在职 Discipline:Environmental Engineering
Environmental science
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Scientific Research

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Paper Publications

李盛平,wangjingzhi,刘秀群,李佳育,王泽东,马盛韬,dongzhibao,liminrui,韩永明,曹军骥,Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from domestic heating and cooking combustion of different fuel types for elders in rural China.:Environmental pollution,2024.6.26,357:124416

刘秀群,wangjingzhi,王泽东,黎茜,李佳育,dongzhibao,liminrui,韩永明,曹军骥,Characteristics of PM2.5 bounded carbonaceous aerosols, carbon dioxide and its stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in rural households in northwest China: Effect of different fuel combustion.:Journal of Environmental Management,2024.5.5,359:121004


王润玉,wangjingzhi,丁欣欣,dongzhibao,徐红梅,mage,高博,宋寒,杨梦涵,曹军骥,Trace Elements in outdoor and indoor PM2.5 in urban schools in Xi’an, Western China: Characteristics, sources identification and health risk assessment:Environmental Geochemistry and health,2023.3.12,45:1027-1044

王雨萌,wangjingzhi,王泽东,王润玉,丁欣欣,Neil McPherson Donahue,dongzhibao,mage,韩永明,曹军骥,Assessment of the inhalation exposure and incremental lifetime cancer risk of PM2.5 bounded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by different toxic equivalent factors and occupancy probability, in the case of Xi’an.:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022.6.12,29(50):76378-76393

王泽东,wangjingzhi,王润玉,王雨萌,Neil Donahue,唐荣志,dongzhibao,lixiaoping,wanglijun,韩永明,曹军骥,The seasonal variation, characteristics and secondary generation of PM2.5 in Xi’an, China, especially during pollution events:Environmental Research,2022.5.12,212:113388