sunyuliang,孙宇亮,朱文斐,张龙海,李研冰,Faye,Regional Variations in Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents in Shaanxi Province:Healthcare,2024.9.20(18):1890
sunyuliang,wangchao,Faye,何邵锴,张新新,Impact of exercise type, duration, and intensity on depressive symptoms in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis:FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY,2024.9.13(1):1484172
sunyuliang,chenlixia,李明,茆传贵,栗杏璐,李政澳,刘涛,王良森,Faye,The Validity of a Dual-Force Plate for Assessing Counter-Movement Jump Performance:Sensors,2024.9.4(17):5748
孙宇亮,Effect of Tai Chi Compared to Running on Drug Cravings, Attention Bias, and Physical Fitness in Men with Methamphetamine Use Disorder:Healthcare,2024.8.20(16):1653
sunyuliang,栗杏璐,刘涛,陆子骏,Impact of home quarantine on physical fitness of school-aged children in Xi'an during COVID-19 lockdown: a cross-sectional study.:BMC Public Health,2024.4.25(1):1169
sunyuliang,Faye,李研冰,赵晨曦,Virginia J. Howard,Virginia G.Wadley,Suzanne E. Judd,Natalie Colabianchi,Leslie A. McClure,Steven P. Hooker,Changes in Adiposity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: The REGARDS Study:JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES,2024.3.1(3):1-7