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Personal Homepage


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Basic information
E-Mail: Department:教育学部 Position:教育学部副部长 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Male Contact Degree:博士 Status:在职 Other Post:中国教育学会中小学信息技术教育专业委员会常务理事 Discipline:Educational Technology
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Enrollment Information

Release time:2021-12-07
Test Subjects: ①101思想政治理论②201英语一或202俄语或203日语③311教育学专业基础综合
Department: 教育学部
Master-Research direction: 智能技术支持的教师教育
Year of Admission: 2022
Admission Type: Master Degree Candidate
Discipline: Education