Personal Homepage
Personal Homepage


Basic information
Department:民族教育学院 Position:民族教育学院院长、党总支副书记 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Male Degree:博士 Status:在职 Discipline:Teacher Pedagogy
Principles of Pedagogy
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Research Projects


Release time:2021-11-19
Affiliation of Participant(s): 民族教育学院
Leading Scientist: longbaoxin
Type of Research Outcome: 应用研究
Sub-Class of Project: 051_sk_source
Type of Project: 应用研究
Supported by: 全国教育科学规划(教育部)项目
Project level: 省部级一般
Project Participants: 张立昌,齐丽莉,高树浪
Project Number: DAA150203
First-Level Discipline: Education
Date of Project Approval: 2015-12-15
Scheduled completion time: 2017-12-15