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陈登帅,李晶,杨晓楠,周自翔,潘宇琦,李满春,Quantifying water provision service supply, demand and spatial flow for land use optimization: A case study in the YanHe watershed:Ecosystem Services,2020.5.14,43:101117
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孙艺杰,李晶,任志远,周自翔,段艺芳,刘宪锋,Spatially Explicit Analysis of Trade-Offs and Synergies among Multiple Ecosystem Services in Shaanxi Valley Basins:Forests,2020.2.12,11:209
赵琪琪,李晶,炊郁达,周自翔,The Evolution Response of Ecosystem Cultural Services under Dierent Scenarios Based on System Dynamics:Remote Sensing,2020.1.28,12:418
余玉洋,李晶,周自翔,张城,曾莉,Estimation of the Value of Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration Services under Dierent Scenarios in the Central China (the Qinling-Daba Mountain Area):Sustainbility,2020.1.1,12:337
张渝萌,李晶,周自翔,Exploring Expedient Protected Area for Ecosystem Services: Decision-Making Method with a New Algorithm:Sustainability,2019.10.11,20(11):5599