
School of psychology
Education Level:
Alma Mater:
Beijing Normal University
Basic psychology


Lab Director

Feng Kong

Feng Kong is the director of Science of Well-Being Lab (SWB Lab) and currently an associate professor at School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, China.

He received his Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience from Beijing Normal University in Beijing,China. His research interests includes:

1. positive neuroscience/Psychology

2. Health and well-being

3. Social and affective neuroscience

4. Personality and individual differences

Currently, his research focused on investigating how individual characteristics (especially character strengths and positive personality traits) and environmental factors (e.g., social, cultural and economic factors) influence the brain and behavioral outcomes such as well-being and social behaviors. Multiple methods including cognitive/affective behavioral measures and neuroimaging (fMRI) are used to investigate these topics.

He is the author of more than 80 scientific papers published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Human Brain Mapping, Journal of Positive Psychology, Journal of Personality, Journal of Happiness Studies, Emotion, etc. He has served as Associate Editor of Journal of Positive Psychology (SSCI), Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI), Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (ESCI), Psychological Reports (SSCI), Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI) and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (SCI), and on Editorial Boards of Journal of Personality (SSCI),Child Abuse & Neglect(SSCI), Psychology & Health(SSCI), Journal of Health Psychology (SSCI), International Journal of Health Psychology (SSCI), Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI),and Current Psychology (SSCI).


2021        2020 Highly Cited Chinese Researchers (Elsevier) in the field of psychology

2021        2020 World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University

2020        2019 Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Elsevier) in the field of psychology

2019        2018 Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Elsevier) in the field of psychology

2018        Young Talent fund of University Association for Science and Technology in SX

2018        The Third prize of the 13th Shaanxi Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award

2014        Best Paper Award of the 1th National Symposium of Mindfulness

2013        Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship, Beijing Normal University

2014        The First Prize Academic scholarship, Beijing Normal University

2013        Tongding scholarship, Beijing Normal University

2012        Innovation Fund for Graduate Students, Shaanxi Normal University

2012       The First Prize Scholarship, Shaanxi Normal University

2011        The Third Prize Scholarship, Shaanxi Normal University

2009        Houde Graduate Student Scholarship

2008        National Scholarship for Encouragement

2006        Merit Student of Yan’an University



1.   2023-2024 Social Science Foundation of Xi, China (2022F094). Possible mechanisms linking child maltreatment to depressive mood in university students. Principal Investigator.

2.  2022-2024 Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi, China (2022F094). Possible mechanisms linking adverse childhood experiences to depressive symptoms in adolescents. Principal Investigator. ¥20,000.

3.  2022-2023 Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi, China (2022JQ-155). Gratitude and social well-being: longitudinal, intervention and neural evidence. Principal Investigator. ¥50,000.

4.  2021-2022 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (GK202103131). Behavioral and neural pathways linking gratitude and mental health in adolescence. Principal Investigator. ¥50,000.

5.  2019-2021 National Natural Science Foundation of China (31800942). Behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying the influence of trait and state gratitude on well-being in adulthood. Principal Investigator. ¥230,000.

6.  2019-2020 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (GK201903106). Neurobiological pathways linking resilience and well-being in adolescence. Principal Investigator. ¥60,000.

7.  2019-2020 Young Talent fund of University Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi, China (20180206). Neural basis of trait and state gratitude. Principal Investigator. ¥20,000.

8. 2017-2018 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (GK201703090). Neurobiological pathways linking trait gratitude and life satisfaction in adolescence. Principal Investigator. ¥50,000.

9. 2016-2018 Research Foundation for Advanced Talents of Shaanxi Normal University. Neural basis of hedonic and eudaimonic happiness in adulthood. Principal Investigator. ¥400,000.

10.  2018-2020 National Natural Science Foundation of China (31700945). Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying top-down and bottom-up temporal object-based attention, Co-investigator. ¥230,000.

11.  2016-2019 National Social Science Foundation of China (Major Program; 15ZDB139). Promotion of interpersonal harmony as an indicator of mental health. Co-investigator. ¥800,000.

12.  2013-2017 National Social Science Foundation of China (Major Program; 13&ZD073). The structure and neural basis of Chinese self-worth. Co-investigator. ¥800,000.

13. 2012-2014 National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Program; 91132703). The genetic and neural basis of human emotion. Co-investigator. ¥800,000.


1. Journal Editorships

Associate Editor, Current Psychology (SSCI, 2022-present)

Associate Editor, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (ESCI, 2022-present)

Co-Editor (Psychology), Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI, 2021-present)

Associate Editor, Journal of Positive Psychology (SSCI, 2019-present)

Associate Editor, Psychological Reports (SSCI, 2019-present)

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (SCI, 2020-present)

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology: health psychology (SSCI, 2016-)

Associate Editor, BMC Public Health (SCI, 2019-2021)

Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (SCI) on “Positive Neuroscience”, 2018-2020

2. Editorial Boards

Editorial Board Member, Child Abuse & Neglect (SSCI, 2023-present)

Editorial Board Member, Psychology & Health (SSCI, 2021-present)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Personality (SSCI, 2020-present)

Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI, 2018-present)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Health Psychology (SSCI, 2017-present)

Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Psychology (SSCI, 2017-present)

Editorial Board Member, Current Psychology (SSCI, 2017-present)

Editorial Board Member, Health Psychology Open (2017-present)

Editorial Board Member, BMC Public Health (SCI, 2019-2021)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI, 2019-2021)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (SSCI, 2017-2019)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Adult Development (SSCI, 2017-2018)

Editorial Board Member, Psychological Reports (SSCI, 2017-2018)


3. Ad-hoc reviewer (62 journals; in alphabetical order):

Acta Psychologica Sinica (In Chinese)

Aging & Mental Health

Applied Research in Quality of Life

Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 

Asian Journal of Social Psychology


Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 

Brain Imaging and Behavior

Child indicators research 

Children and Youth Services Review 

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 

Current Psychology 

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 

Developmental Psychology


European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 

Family Process

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 

Frontiers in psychology

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations


Human Brain Mapping 

International Journal of Psychology

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Journal of Clinical Psychology

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Journal of Drug Issues

Journal of Happiness Studies

Journal of Health Psychology

Journal of Individual Differences

Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 

Journal of Personality

Journal of Personality Assessment 

Journal of Positive Psychology 

Journal of Psychological Science (In Chinese)

Journal of Psychology

Journal of Social Psychology 

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 

Journal of Youth Studies 

Learning and Individual Differences 





Personality and Individual Differences

Plos ONE 

PsyCh Journal

Psychological Medicine

Psychological Trauma

Psychological Reports 

Psychology & Health


Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 

Scientific Reports 

Social Behavior and Personality 

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 

Social Indicators Research 

Spanish Journal of Psychology

Youth & Society

Women & Health

4. Ad-hoc grant reviewer

Swiss National Science Foundation

Austrian Science Fund: Erwin Schroedinger Fellowship

Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)

National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China

National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China


Lab Director


Feng Kong

Associate Professor of Psychology

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Feng Kong is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Shaanxi Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience from Beijing Normal University in Beijing,China. Currently, his research focused on investigating how individual characteristics (especially strengths and positive personality traits) and environmental factors (e.g., social, cultural and economic factors) influence the brain and behavioral outcomes such as well-being and social behaviors.

Lab members


Linting Zhang

Graduate student


Linting is a graduate student in the basic psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from Jinan University in 2020. She is interested in cognitive and neural basis linking gratitude and well-being.


Wenjie Li

Graduate student


Wenjie is a graduate student in the basic psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from Fuzhou University in 2020.  Her research interests focus on how both hedonic and eudemonic motivations relate to well-being. 


Ningzhe Zhu

Graduate student


Ningzhe is a graduate student in the basic psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. He received her B.A. in electronic commerce from Wuhan University in 2021.  Her research interests focus on how childhood maltreatment relates to prosoical behavior. 


Chengcheng Li

Graduate student


Chengcheng is a graduate student in the basic psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from Shaanxi Normal University in 2021. She is interested in cognitive and neural basis linking childhood maltreatment and well-being.


Ying Ye

Graduate student


Ying Ye is a graduate student in the applied psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from He'nan University in 2021. She is interested in how gratitude relates to well-being.


Tianyi Wang

Graduate student


Tianyi is a graduate student in the psychoeducation area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from He'nan University in 2021. Her research interests focus on how grit relates to well-being in adolescents. 


Caiyan Zhang

Graduate student


Min Ye is a graduate student in the psychoeducation area at Shaanxi Normal University. She is a teacher in preschool education in Yulin Univerisity now. Her research interests focus on how childhood maltreament relate to positive and negative well-being in adolescents. 


Min Ye

Graduate student


Min Ye is a graduate student in the psychoeducation area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from Sichuan Nomral University in 2019. Her research interests focus on how childhood maltreament relates to positive and negative well-being in adolescents. 


Xinri Wang

Graduate student


Rixin is a graduate student in the basic psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in psychology from Zhengzhou University in 2021. Her research interests focus on how positive childhood experiences relate to well-being. 


Qiaosheng Wang

Graduate student

Qiaosheng is a graduate student in the psychoeducation area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in elementary education from Jiangxi Normal University in 2022. Her research interests focus on how socioeconomic status relates to well-being in adolescents. 


Xiaotong Yang

Graduate student


Xiaotong is a graduate student in the psychoeducation area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in human resource management from Shandong University in 2022. Her research interests focus on how adverse childhood expriences relate to well-being in adolescents. 


Jiahe Su

Graduate student


Jiahe is a graduate student in the applied psychology  area at Shaanxi Normal University. She received her B.A. in international economics and trade from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2022. Her research interests focus on how gratitude relates to well-being in the organizational context. 


Cangpi Wei

Graduate student


Cangpi is a graduate student in the applied psychology area at Shaanxi Normal University. He received her B.A. in international economics and trade from University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2022. Her research interests focus on how strength use relate to well-being in the organizational context. 




Fangxing Song

Xuewen Li.jpg

Xuewen Li


linting Zhang

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Kairong Yang


Qiuling Wang


Wenjie Li


Wenjing Yan


Yuanyuan Hao


Ying Ye

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Ning Jia

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Ruiyu Wang


Tianyi Wang


Chengzhi Bai


Danlin Fan