Paper Publications
- 1.江瑞斌,王建方,Huanjun Chen,Lei Shao,Qian Li,Unraveling the evolution and nature of the plasmons in (Au core).(Ag shell) nanorods:Advanced Optical Materials,2012.6.20,24(6):OP200-OP207
- 2.江瑞斌,郭文跃,Houyu Zhu,Lianming Zhao,Honghong Shan,Xiaqing Lu,Ming Li,Methanol dehydrogenation on Rh(111): A density functional and microkinetic modeling study:Journal of Molecular Catalysis A,2011.5.23,344(2011):99-110
- 3.江瑞斌,郭文跃,Ming Li,Xiaoqing Lu,Jianye Yuan,Honghong Shan,Dehydrogenation of methanol on Pd(100): comparison with the results of Pd(111):Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2010.5.19,12(21):7794-7803
- 4.江瑞斌,郭文跃,Ming Li,Houyu Zhu,Jing Li,Lianming Zhao,Dianling Fu,Honghong Shan,Density Functional Study of the Reaction of SO2 on Ir(111):Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2009.9.24,113(42):18223-18232
- 5.江瑞斌,郭文跃,Ming Li,Dianling Fu,Honghong Shan,Density functional investigation of methanol dehydrogenation on Pd(111):Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2009.2.18,113(10):4188-4197