Personal Homepage
Personal Homepage

Zhi-Liang Zhao

Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Basic information
Name (English):Zhi-Liang Zhao E-Mail: Department:数学与统计学院 Position:副院长 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Male Degree:理学博士学位 Status:在职 Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学 Discipline:Operations research and cybernetics
Personal Information
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Research Projects


Release time:2021-11-18
Affiliation of Participant(s): 数学与统计学院
Leading Scientist: 赵志良
Supported by: 国家自然科学基金委
Nature of Project: 纵向
Project level: 国家级
Project Participants: 张亚军,王霞,李若霞,何莎,魏萃,王怡怡,张吉强,史豪楠,郭宝珠
Project Number: 2019010024
Date of Project Approval: 2019-08-16
Scheduled completion time: 2023-12-31
Date of Project Initiation: 2020-01-01
Project Approval Number: 61973202