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Basic information
Department:教育学部 Education Level:博士研究生 Business Address:陕西师范大学长安校区教育博物馆科研副楼教育实验经济研究所 Gender:Male Degree:经济学博士学位 Status:在职 Alma Mater:陕西师范大学 Discipline:Experimental economics
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Paper Publications

prevalence of depressive symptoms and correlated factors among pregnant women during their second and third trimesters in northwest rural China:a cross-sectional study

Release time:2022-10-28
Impact Factor: 3.007
Journal: BMC Pregnancy and childbirth
Funded by: 国家自然科学基金项目
Co-author: 樊鑫,张毅,tangbin,贾茜媛
Issue: 1
Page Number: 38
Number of Words: 1
Translation or Not: no
Date of Publication: 2022-01-16