Cell-division pattern and phylogenetic analyses of a new ciliate genus Parasincirra n. g. (Protista, Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), with a report of a new soil species, P. sinica n. sp. from northwest China
- 所属单位: 生命科学学院
- 发表刊物: BMC Ecology and Evolution
- 关键字: BMC Ecology 和BMC Evolutionary biology 将合并为1个期刊,新的刊名为BMC Ecology and Evolution
- 合写作者: 赵研,张腾跃,Al-Rasheid,宋微波
- 通讯作者: 邵晨
- 卷号: 21
- 页面范围: 21
- ISSN号: 1471-2148
- 是否译文: 否
- CN号: 中国海洋大学
- 发表时间: 2021-12-20
上一条:Morphology, cell division, and phylogeny of Notohymena antarctica Foissner, 1996 and Engelmanniella mobilis (Engelmann, 1862) Foissner, 1982 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia)
下一条:Conjugation in the eukaryotic single-celled organism Euplotes aediculatus (Protozoa, Ciliophora): A focus on nuclear divisions, morphogenesis and pheromones