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Basic information
Department:生命科学学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Female Contact; Status:在职 Alma Mater:中国海洋大学 Discipline:Zoology
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Paper Publications

Conjugation in the eukaryotic single-celled organism Euplotes aediculatus (Protozoa, Ciliophora): A focus on nuclear divisions, morphogenesis and pheromones

Release time:2022-09-28
Affiliation of Author(s): 生命科学学院
Journal: Journal of King Saud University
Co-author: 池涌,shaochen,袁庆祥,李雨晴,Alan Warren
Correspondence Author: wangyurui
Volume: 34
Page Number: 102091
ISSN No.: 1018-3647
Translation or Not: no
CN No.: 陕西师范大学
Date of Publication: 2022-06-06