Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Basic information
Education Level:博士研究生
Discipline:Environmental Engineering
Environmental science
Environmental science
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Paper Publications
李雨心,卢新卫,张晓兰,Determination of natural radioactivity, 222Rn and 220Rn exhalation rates and radiation hazards of fly ash and fly ash brick used in Baotou, China:Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection,2016.12.5,31(3):282-290
朱媛婕,卢新卫,杨琳娜,王利军,Accumulation and source identification of heavy metals in sediment of a reservoir near an industrial park of northwest China:Frontiers of Earth Science,2016.12.1,10(4):707-716
庄肃凯,卢新卫,李建涛,李倩,Radiation hazard of solid metallic tailings in Shangluo, China:Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection,2016.10.20,31(2):190-194
王倩,卢新卫,潘慧云,Analysis of heavy metals in the re-suspended road dust from different functional areas in Xi’an, China:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016.10.15,23(19):19838-19846
冯婷婷,卢新卫,Natural radioactivity, radon exhalation rate and radiation dose of fly ash used in Xiangyang, China:Indoor and Built Environment,2016.7.20,25(4):626-634
卢新卫,潘慧云,任春辉,杨林娜,Natural radioactivity in reservoir sediment near an industrial park of northwest China:Journal of Radiological Protection,2016.6.20,36(无):N26-N33
赵妮,卢新卫,巢世刚,Risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in smaller than 100-μm street dust particles from a valley-city in northwestern China:Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2016.4.15,38(2):483-496
韩秀凤,卢新卫,张庆辉,乌云塔娜,海全胜,潘慧云,Grain-size distribution and contamination characteristics of heavy metal in street dust of Baotou, China:Environmental Earth Sciences,2016.3.20,75(6):1-10
卢新卫,巢世刚,丁香,Radiological hazard in the sediment of the Xining section of the Huangshui River, China:Radioprotection,2016.3.20,51(1):43-46