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Basic information
Department:心理学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Female Contact Degree:理学博士学位 Status:在职 Discipline:Applied psychology
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Research Projects


Release time:2021-11-19
Affiliation of Participant(s): 校领导
Leading Scientist: youxuqun
Type of Research Outcome: 基础研究
Sub-Class of Project: 03_sk_source
Type of Project: 基础研究
Supported by: 国家社科基金单列学科项目
Project level: 国家级一般
Project Participants: 周静,晏碧华,任敏绒,何宁,Li Ying,高润军,杨光辉,屠金路,宋晓蕾,赵晓妮
Project Number: BBA070016
First-Level Discipline: Psychology
Date of Project Approval: 2007-10-26
Scheduled completion time: 2010-12-31
Date of Project Completion: 2013-03-05