- 所属单位: 地理科学与旅游学院
- 发表刊物: 土壤通报
- 合写作者: 王丽,张文娟,史兴民,李霄云
- 卷号: 49
- 期号: 1
- 页面范围: 167-175
- ISSN号: 0564-3945
- 是否译文: 否
- CN号: 陕西师范大学
- 发表时间: 2018-02-13
上一条:Major ions in drinking and surface waters from five cities in arid and semi-arid areas, NW China: spatial occurrence, water chemistry, and potential anthropogenic inputs
下一条:A Novel Pb-Resistant Bacillus subtilis Bacterium Isolate for Co-Biosorption of Hazardous Sb(III) and Pb(II): Thermodynamics and Application Strategy