Xiaoping Li教授

Name (English):
Xiaoping Li
Department of Environment Sciences
Director of International Joint Center of PEEH
Education Level:
Business Address:
Room No.1411, Gewu Building
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Alma Mater:
Shaanxi Normal University
Environmental Engineering
Environmental science

Xiaoping Li教授






(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:西北典型河谷城市铅赋存物相与婴幼儿童铅暴露风险的精细化解析 (2023-2026)







 [1] Shuang Zhang, Xiaoping Li*, Tunyang Geng, Yu Zhang, Weixi Zhang, Xueming Zheng, He Sheng, Yueheng Jiang, Pengyuan Jin, Xuelian Kui, Huimin Liu, Ge       Ma, Jiang Yun, Xiangyang Yan, Xu Zhang, Beatriz Galindo-Prieto, Frank J. Kelly, Ian Mudway. Using machine learning to predict soil lead relative bioavailability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 483, 136515

 [2] Jie Dong, Xiaoping Li*, Frank J. Kelly, Ian Mudway. Lead exposure in Chinese children: Urbanization lowers children's blood lead levels (BLLs). Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 923, 170910

 [3] Xiaoping Li*, Ana He, Yuhan Cao, Jiang Yun, Hongxiang Bao, Xiangyang Yan, Xu Zhang, Jie Dong, Frank J. Kelly, Ian Mudway. Exposure risks of lead and other metals to humans: A consideration of specific size fraction and methodology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 469, 133549

 [4] Qishang Zhou, Xiaoping Li*, Xueming Zheng, Xu Zhang, Yueheng Jiang, He Shen. Metabolomics reveals the phytotoxicity mechanisms of foliar spinach exposed to bulk and nano sizes of PbCO3. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465, 133097

 [5] Jie Dong, Xiaoping Li*. Lead pollution-related health of children in China: Disparity, challenge, and policy. Science of the Total Environment, 2023,882,15: 163383

 [6] Xiaoping Li*, Liyuan Peng, Yue Cai, Feng He, Qishang Zhou, Danqian Shi. Potential threat of lead oxide nanoparticles for food crops: Comprehensive understanding of the impacts of different nanosize PbOx (x=1,2) on maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings in vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 4235-4248.

 [7] Qishang Zhou, Jiang Yun, Xiaoping Li*, Xu Zhang, Bin Liu, Shuang Zhang, Xueming Zheng, Wen Yue, Xiangyu Li, Weixi Zhang. Vehicle emissions in a megacity of Xi'an in China: A comprehensive inventory, air quality impact, and policy recommendation. Urban Climate, 2023,52,101740

 [8] Xiaoping Li*, Hameed Ullah, Xuemeng Sun, Xiangyang Yan, Jie Dong, Yu Gao, Yuhan Cao, Tao Li, Hongtao Yu. Potentially Toxic Metals (PTMs) in Soil-dust-plant Total Environment and Associated Exposure Risks for Children (0–6) Based on Site-Specific Blood Lead Levels: a Comprehensive Investigation for the City of Lanzhou in Northwest China. Exposure and Health, 2022, 14, 04: 557-580.

 [9]  Xiaoping Li*, Xiangyang Yan, Ting Wu, Xu Zhang, Hongtao Yu. Risks and Phyto-uptake of Micro-nano Size Particulates Bound with Potentially Toxic Metals in Pb-contaminated Alkaline Soil (NW China): The Role of Particle Size Fractions. Chemosphere, 2021, 272: 129508.

 [10] Ana He, Xiaoping Li*, Yuwei Ai, Xiaolong Li, Xiaoyun Li, Yuchao Zhang, Yu Gao, Bin Liu, Xu Zhang, Meng Zhang. Potentially Toxic Metals and the Risk to Children’s Health in a Coal Mining city: An Investigation of Soil and Dust Levels, Bioaccessibility and Blood Lead Levels. Environment International, 2020, 141: 105788.

 [11] Gao Yu, Xiaoping Li*, Jie Dong, Yuhan Cao, Tao Li, Mielke, Howard W. Snack Foods and Lead Ingestion Risks for School Aged Children: A Comparative Evaluation of Potentially Toxic Metals and Children’s Exposure Response of Blood Lead, Copper and Zinc Levels, Chemosphere, 2020, 261: 127547.

 [12] Hameed Ullah, Xiaoping Li*, Liyuan Peng, Yue Cai, Mielke, Howard W. In Vivo Phytotoxicity, Uptake, and Translocation of PbS Nanoparticles in Maize (Zea mays L.) Plants. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 737: 139558.