Paper Publications
- 1.李苑莹,Fengyi LIU,Exploring the Mechanism of a Chiral N-Alkyl Imine-Based Light-Driven Molecular Rotary Motor at MS-CASPT2//CASSCF and MS-CASPT2//(TD) DFT Levels:Chemistry – A European Journal,2019.3.1,2019(25):4194-4201
- 2.李亚珍,Fengyi LIU,巩倩倩,岳岭,Photochemistry of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate, CH2OO: Photoisomerization Channel toward Dioxirane Revealed by CASPT2 Calculations and Trajectory Surface-Hopping Dynamics:Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,2018.2.8,9(5):978-981
- 3.郭妮,Fengyi LIU,王斌,含BN旋转轴的光驱动分子马达的理论设计和机理研究:Acta Chimica Sinica,2018.1.22,76(3):196-201
- 4.全静苗,刘静,雷海瑞,严军林,房喻,基于Tb(III)配合物的“turn on”型荧光探针的制备及其对有机磷化合物的传感识别:中国科学 化学,2017.7.18,47(7):876-881
- 5.苏青青,Fengyi LIU,刘敏娟,王红娟,王斌,李苑莹,Combining the Advantages of Alkene and Azo E-Z Photoisomerizations? Mechanistic Insights into Ketoimine Photo Switches:Journal of Physical Chemistry A,2017.3.16,121(13):2588–2596
- 6.李亚珍,刘峰毅,李苑莹,苏青青,王斌,郭妮,Tuning of energetics and reaction mechanism of water‑assisted intramolecular proton transfer of 7‑azaindole by external electric field applied in various directions: a TD‑DFT study:Theoretical Chemistry Accounts,2017.1.1,136(1):27
- 7.李苑莹,刘峰毅,王斌,苏青青,王文亮,Keiji Morokuma,Different conical intersections control nonadiabatic photochemistry of fluorene light-driven molecular rotary motor: A CASSCF and spin-flip DFT study:Journal of Chemical Physics,2016.12.27,145(24):244311
- 8.曹丹,刘峰毅,王斌,李苑莹,苏青青,李亚珍,郭妮,电子效应调控1,2-二氰基-1,2-二噻吩基乙烯的光异构化反应:陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016.9.1,44(5):71
- 9.王斌,Fengyi LIU,王晓娟,Exploring the Mechanism of Fluorescence Quenching and Aggregation-Induced Emission of a Phenylethylene Derivative by QM (CASSCF and TDDFT) and ONIOM (QM:MM) Calculations:journal of physical chemistry C,2016.8.30,120(0):21850-21857
- 10.徐伦,赵玉明,徐利文,高子伟,A Total Synthesis of Paeoveitol:Organic Letters,2016.7.8,18(15):3698-3701