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Department:计算机科学学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Male Degree:博士 Status:在职
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Research Projects


Release time:2021-11-18
Affiliation of Participant(s): 计算机科学学院
Leading Scientist: 李蜀瑜
Supported by: 陕西省科技厅
Nature of Project: 纵向
Project level: 省部级
Project Participants: 曹菡,田丰,郭延辉,张照胜,赵梦,李泽堃,张瑶
Project Number: 2017020084
Date of Project Approval: 2017-06-17
Scheduled completion time: 2019-12-31
Date of Project Initiation: 2017-08-01
Project Approval Number: 2017GY-064