Paper Publications
- 1.张为彬,查小春,李佳星,Liang Wei,马玉改,樊冬梅,李莎,Spatiotemporal Change of Blue Water and Green Water Resources in the Headwater of Yellow River Basin, China:水资源管理,2014.8.1,28(无):4715-4732
- 2.严建武,Chen. BZ,Chen.,Feng. M,Xu.G,Liang Wei,Hu.YF,Zhang. HF,Kuang. WH,Wang. HM,Fang. SF,Che. ML,Liu. JY,Changes in the Land Surface Energy Budget in Eastern China over the Past Three Decades: Contributions of Land-Cover Change and Climate Change:气候学,2014.8.1,27(无):9233-9252
- 3.梁伟,李君轶,基于Web和GIS的陕西国内旅游客源市场预测研究:西北大学学报,2009.10.1,39(5):870-874