Personal Homepage
Personal Homepage


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Basic information
Department:心理学院 Business Address:田家炳楼623 Contact Information:邮箱 电话:85308761 Degree:博士 Other Post:陕西教师发展研究院副院长,陕西省行为与认知神经科学重点实验室主任 Discipline:Applied psychology
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Paper Publications


Release time:2022-05-08
Affiliation of Author(s): 心理学院
Journal: 昆明学院学报
Funded by: 地、市、厅、局等政府部门项目
Co-author: 石润泽
Issue: 2
Page Number: 63-66
ISSN No.: 1674-5639
Translation or Not: no
CN No.: 53-1211/G4
Date of Publication: 2020-05-05