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Personal Homepage

Ching Fung

Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Basic information
Name (English):Ching Fung E-Mail: Department:地理科学与旅游学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Female Contact Information:029-85310525 Degree:管理学博士学位 Status:在职 Alma Mater:陕西师范大学 Discipline:Tourism Management
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Awards and Honours


Release time:2021-11-20
Title of Achievement: 中国品牌旅游景区驱动因素及形成系数方程研究
Order of Affiliations of Authors: 1
Granted by: 西安市人民政府
Supported by: 学校社科项目
Type of Outcome: Thesis
Level of Award: 厅局级
Grade of Award: 三等奖
Type of Award: 国家科技进步奖
Date of Award: 2017-01-30
Number of Participants: 2
Primary Participant: Ching Fung
Co-author: 孙根年