Duan Haijun
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Basic information
Name (English):Duan Haijun
Education Level:博士研究生
Business Address:陕西师范大学雁塔校区教学一楼310-2
Contact Information:duanhj@126.com
Other Post:现代教学技术教育部重点实验室副主任,陕西基础教育质量监测中心副主任,三秦学者
Alma Mater:陕西师范大学
Discipline:Development and educational psychology
Basic psychology
Basic psychology
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Paper Publications
How does stress shape creativity? The mediating effect of stress hormones and cognitive flexibility
Release time:2024-06-26
- Impact Factor: 3.7
- Journal: Thinking Skills and Creativity
- Funded by: 国家社科基金单列学科项目
- Key Words: Based on the “Dual Pathway to Creativity Model”, this study explores the potential relationship between acute stress and individual creative performance, and further unveils the mediating roles of the neuroendocrine system and cognitive functions in this relationship, providing empirical evidence and theoretical support for addressing creative challenges under stress.
- Co-author: 郭晓雨,huweiping,阚越粹,张佳琪,Ball, Linden J.
- Issue: 52
- Page Number: 1
- Number of Words: 3
- ISSN No.: 1871-1871
- Translation or Not: no
- Date of Publication: 2024-06-01