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Basic information
Department:文学院 Education Level:博士研究生 Gender:Male Contact Degree:文学博士学位 Status:在职 Discipline:Comparative literature and world literature
Ancient Chinese literature
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Paper Publications


Release time:2021-11-19
Affiliation of Author(s): 文学院
Journal: 文化遗产
Funded by: 国家社科基金项目
Key Words: [关键词]沉香故事 《沉香宝卷》 《刘锡》 功能结构伦理教化
Co-author: 郝丹
Issue: 3
Page Number: 117-123
Number of Words: 11000
ISSN No.: 1674-0890
Translation or Not: no
CN No.: 44-1645/G0
Date of Publication: 2019-05-20