














2012.9 - 2016.7,理学博士,中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室•景观格局与生态过程研究组,景观生态学


2009.9 - 2012.7,理学硕士,兰州大学草地农业科技学院,生态遥感


2005.9 - 2009.7,农学学士,兰州大学•草地农业科技学院,草业科学专业.











1.  中央高校项目(GK201703053)黄河源区高寒植被动态变化规律及影响要素分析,5万元,2017.01-2018.12;

2.  中国博士后科学基金(2017M623114)泾河流域生态系统服务功能空间相互关系及驱动力分析,5万元;

3.  中国科学院科技服务网络计划:重点脆弱生态区生态系统恢复技术集成与推广应用(KFJ-STS-ZDTP-036),课题1重点脆弱生态区生态恢复效应评估与生态恢复对策措施,子课题1重点脆弱生态区生态恢复综合效益评估指标体系,100万元,2018.1-2019.7;

4.  国家自然科学基金(41801180)黄土高原延河流域土壤水分对退耕还林响应的遥感反演研究24万元,2018.08.16-2021.12.31

5.  陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年)(2020JQ-415)陕北黄土高原区土壤水分对生态恢复响应的遥感反演研究,3万元,2020.01.01-2021.12.31。

6. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目(2023-JC-YB-229),无人机与卫星遥感数据协同的干旱区土壤水分反演研究,2023年01月01日 - 2024年12月31日,5万元

7. 国家自然科学基金(42371103)社会-生态系统视角下延河流域生态修复调控与优化研究,46万元,2024.01-2027.12


1.  国家自然科学基金(41701021)半干旱黄土丘陵区刺槐林蒸散发组分构成的林龄差异研究,26万, 2017.8-2021.12

2.  国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0504701)黄土丘陵沟壑区沟道及坡面治理工程的生态安全保障技术与示范,课题1沟道及坡面治理工程技术的生态安全机制与优化配置,子课题1流域沟道及坡面治理工程的生态安全响应,100万元,2017.07—2020.12

3.  国家自然科学基金(41871187)陕西秦岭南北地区生态系统服务供需风险演变机制研究,60万,2018.08.16-2022.12.31

4.     陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年)(2018JQ4025)黄土高原半干旱区不同恢复年限草地植物水分来源研究,3万元,2018.01.01-2019.12.31。

5.     第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题:重大建设工程的生态风险与生态修复(2019QZKK040304),560万,2019.11.01-2022.11.30。



1.   Butian Tang, Hao Wang*, Jiamin Liu, Weijuan Zhang, Wudong Zhao, Dong Cheng,Liwei Zhang, Lei Jiao. Identification of ecological restoration priority areas integrating ecological security and feasibility of restoration. Ecological Indicators, 2024, 158, 111557.  

2.   Liu, J.; Wang, H.*; Tang, B.; Hui, L.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, L.; Jiao, L. Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Ecosystem Services and Trade-Offs/Synergies during Urbanization in the Loess Plateau, China. Land, 2023, 12, 2136.

3.   Wang, H.; Tang, B.; Li, W.;Zhang, W.; Liu, J.; Zhang, L.; Jiao, L. Identification of Ecological Restoration Priority Areas Integrating Human Activity Intensity and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Forests, 2023, 14, 2348.

4.   Tang, B., Wang, H.*, Peng, L., Wang, Z., Liu, J., Liwei, Z., & Jiao, L. (2023). Integrating ecosystem organization, quality and services indicators in the ecological security assessment. Land Degradation & Development, 34(15), 4561–4574.

5.   胡一帆王浩*焦磊张立伟南维鸽董治宝.青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复综合效益评估指标体系.生态学报,2022,42(18):7565-7576.

6. WANG Hao, LI Zongshan, ZHANG Weijuan, YE Xin, LIU Xianfeng, 2022. A Modified Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index (MTVDI) for Assessment of Surface Soil Moisture Based on MODIS Data. Chinese Geographical Science, 32(4): 592605.

7. 孙泽兴, 李汶怡, 刘嘉敏, 曹淑慧, 王浩*, 张伟娟, 2022. 陕西省生态恢复综合效益评估. 生态学报, 42(7).

8.   Wang H., Liu, G.H., Li, Z.S., Zhang, L.W., Wang, Z.Z., 2020. Processes and driving forces for changing vegetation ecosystem services: Insights from the Shaanxi Province of China. Ecological Indicators, 112,106105.

9.   王壮壮, 王浩*, 冯晓明, 王晓峰, 张立伟, 傅伯杰, 2019. 重点脆弱生态区生态恢复综合效益评估指标体系. 生态学报, 39(20): 7356-7366.

10.       Wang H., Liu, G.H., Li, Z.S., Wang, P.T., Wang, Z.Z., 2019. Comparative Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics under the Influence of Climate Change and Human Activities in Five Ecologically Vulnerable Regions of China from 2000 to 2015. Forests 10, 317.

11.       Wang H., Liu, G.H., Li, Z.S., Wang, P.T., Wang, Z.Z., 2018. Assessing the Driving Forces in Vegetation Dynamics Using Net Primary Productivity as the Indicator: A Case Study in Jinghe River Basin in the Loess Plateau. Forests 9, 374.

12.       Wang, H., Liu, G., Li, Z., Ye, X., Fu, B., & Lv, Y. (2018). Impacts of drought and human activity on vegetation growth in the grain for green program region, china. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(3), 1-12.

13.       WANG Hao, LIU Guohua, LI Zongshan, et al. Analysis of the Driving Forces in Vegetation Variation in the Grain for Green Program Region, China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(10), 1853.

14.       WANG Hao, LIU Guohua, LI Zongshan, et al. Impacts of Climate Change on Net Primary Productivity in Arid and Semiarid Regions of China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2016, 26(1):35-47. doi: 10.1007/s11769-015-0762-1.

15.       WANG Hao, LIU Guohua, LI Zongshan, et al. Driving force and changing trends of vegetation phenology in the Loess Plateau of China from 2000 to 2010. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(5): 844-856. DOI 10.1007/s11629-015-3465-2.

16.    Wang, Z.; Liu, X.;Wang, H.; Zheng, K.; Li, H.;Wang, G.; An, Z. Monitoring Vegetation Greenness in Response to Climate Variation along the Elevation Gradient in the Three-River Source Region of China. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 193.

17.    Pengtao WANG, Liwei ZHANG, Yingjie LI, Lei JIAO, Hao WANG, Junping YAN, Yihe LÜ, Bojie FU. Spatio-temporal variations of the flood mitigation service of ecosystem under different climate scenarios in the Upper Reaches of Hanjiang River Basin, China[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(10): 1385-1398.

18.    Ye X, Liu G, Li Z, Wang H, Zeng Y, 2015. Assessing Local and Surrounding Threats to the Protected Area Network in a Biodiversity Hotspot: The Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China. Plos One 10: e0138533.

19.    YE Xin, LIU Guohua, LI Zongshan, GONG Li, WANG Meng, WANG Hao. Evaluation of Ecological Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Northwest China[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(2): 259-272

20.    Miao Liu, Guohua Liu , Xing Wu, Hao Wang, Li Chen. Vegetation traits and soil properties in response to utilization patterns of grassland in Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia, China. Geogra. Sci. 2014. Vol. 24 No. 4. 471-478.

21.    Songlin Shi, Zongshan Li, Hao Wang, et al. Comparative analysis of annual rings of perennial forbs in the Loess Plateau, China. Dendrochronologia, 2016, Vol. 38. 82-89. DOI: 10.1016/j. dendro. 2016. 03. 010.

22.    Songlin Shi, Zongshan Li, Hao Wang, Georg von Arx, Yihe Lü, Xing Wu, Xiaochun Wang, Guohua Liu & Bojie Fu. Roots of forbs sense climate fluctuations in the semi-arid Loess Plateau: Herb-chronology based analysis. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:28435. DOI: 10.1038/srep28435.

23.    L Gong, G Liu, M Wang, YE Xin, H Wang, & LI Zongshan. Effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon in china: a meta-analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(2), 13

24.    王鹏涛, 张立伟, 李英杰, 焦磊, 王浩, & 延军平等. (2017). 汉江上游生态系统服务权衡与协同关系时空特征. 地理学报, 72(011), 2064-2078.

25.    王浩, 李文龙, 杜国祯, & 朱晓丽, 2012. 基于3s技术的甘南草地覆盖度动态变化研究. 草业学报(03), 26-37.

26.    王浩, 李文龙, 许静, & 朱晓丽, 2011. 基于遥感技术的高寒草地覆盖度变化. 草业科学(06), 250-257.


2012.9-2016.7 中国科学院大学 生态学(一级学科) 博士研究生 理学博士学位

2009.9-2012.6 兰州大学 地理学其他专业 硕士研究生 理学硕士学位

2005.9-2009.6 兰州大学 草学(一级学科) 大学本科 农学学士学位


2016.7-2019.6 陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院 博士后 博士后



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